The Botcave

A place of random information and thoughts. Under construction, clearly.

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Find me

I'm on Mastodon.
I have a gaming profile at BoardGameGeek.
I can be found in other places. I'll update this as I remember them.


19 Aug 2023: "A new post for August", in which we discuss the wonders of August and summertime. Read More
20 May 2023: "This site's technology stack", in which we discuss how this site is built. Read More
01 Jan 2023: "My Fourth Blog Post", in which We examine the fourth post on my blog Read More
02 Dec 2022: "My Third Blog Post", in which We discuss the third post on my blog Read More
01 Nov 2022: "My Big Second Blog Post", in which We wonder about the second post on my blog Read More