About Me

There isn't a lot of content on this site yet, but I'm considering this a work-in-progress. I've started using it as a platform mostly to learn about using static site generators. For this site, I've chosen to use Eleventy. Eleventy lets me use watever source formatting I want, and it will wory about producing the final output in HTML for me.

This page, for example, is maintained almost completely in Markdown.

(Hey, how'd you get Markdown to open that link in another tab? Cool story, they all will. Here you go.)

I'm not 100% sure this is an advantage, but let's see. In theory, it will let me put updates out a lot faster than having to code it all in HTML and CSS.

I've also streamlined my workflow. I have a development environment set up that can now update and push code changes to the host site quickly. I'm working on automating it as part of the build process.

For those of you still awake, this site might get more interesting at some point.